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Prenatal Yoga


Maybe you're wondering if this course is right for you- wondering if maybe HypnoBirthing® is just too out there for you? I get it - I have been there. I thought I wasn't 'hippie' enough for the course as I'd never meditated, I didn't use essential oils and I wasn't planning a homebirth! Trust me when I say that HypnoBirthing® is for everyone

​HypnoBirthing® is an evidence based 5 week childbirth education course and is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. Our focus is not on the way you birth but more on the way you feel both during and after your birth. 

Over the five weeks you and your birth companion will learn about labour, birth, breastfeeding, early parenting, bonding with your baby and so much more. You will gain a toolkit of physical and mental skills to use during your birth including breathing and relaxation techniques, self hypnosis, visualisations and affirmations.  

The course will leave you feeling excited, supported and confident about your upcoming birth experience.  I want to ensure that you have the knowledge to advocate for yourself and your baby and that you have a positive, empowering birth experience, no matter how your birth physically plays out. 

Research has shown that HypnoBirthing® mums have; 

- less fear approaching birth

- fewer interventions including caesarean births

- lower rates of analgesia use in labour (including epidurals)

- shorter labours 

- fewer pre-term and low birth weight babies

So if you want a gentle, positive birth experience for yourself, your baby and your partner then you have found the right place. 

What will we learn in the course?

Over the 12.5 hours of face to face teaching we cover a lot of information- from preparing your body for labour to birth, breastfeeding, bonding and the fourth trimester. I believe that knowledge is power and I want you to to be able to make the best decisions for yourself, your baby and your birth. Here is a snapshot of what is covered in each session:

Session One

- history of women and birthing and the origins of fear and pain in labour

- hypnosis and the mind/ body connection 

- the laws of the mind and how these can be applied to birthing

Session Two

- care providers, birth management styles and how to navigate these 

- preparing the mind for birth including creating a positive mindset and reducing fears

- preparing your body for birthing

Session Three

- visualisations, breathing and relaxation techniques

- special circumstances that may arise during birth

- birth preferences

Session Four

- how labour works

- tools and techniques for comfort in labour

- how your birth companion can best support you in labour

Session Five

- optimal positioning for labour and birth

- breathing techniques for labour and birth

- breastfeeding basics and the fourth trimester

What is HypnoBirthing: About Me
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